How to install NvChad on Linux?
NvChad is a preset configuration for Neovim which provides you with a pretty awesome IDE.
The first step is to install one of the Nerd Fonts for your terminal. This is because they support a large number of icons. Go to the Nerd Fonts website and download your favourite font, for example “JetBrainsMono Nerd Font”. Then install it like thus:
$ mkdir -p ~/.fonts
$ unzip -d ~/.fonts
$ fc-cache -fv
You can check the font has been installed properly like so:
$ fc-list | grep JetBrains
$ rm
Now modify the configuration of your terminal emulator to use the font you just downloaded. By the way, the terminal should support truecolor, which you can check like this:
The next step is to install Neovim. The best way to run Neovim is with
the AppImage. Download latest neovim appimage from the official
GitHub repo. Make the
AppImage file executable and rename it to a useful name, such as
. You probably want to move it to somewhere in your PATH
Now it’s time to install NvChad and its dependencies. Follow along:
$ sudo apt install git luarocks ripgrep xclip
$ [ -e ~/.config/nvim ] && mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.backup
$ [ -e ~/.local/share/nvim ] && mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.backup
$ rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim
$ rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim
$ git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
Wait for the packages to finish downloading, then run in Neovim:
And exit Neovim. Finally:
$ rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
Now, you can even put your Neovim configuration in git if you want:
$ cd ~/.config/nvim
$ git init .
That’s it, your NvChad is ready to use! Just run nvim
(or however
you renamed the Neovim AppImage). A good starting point is to check
the NvChad cheatsheet: start nvim
and press ‘space’, then ‘c’, then
‘h’. Press :q
to exit the cheatsheet.
To get started, you can change the theme to whatever you like. Start
and press ‘space’, then ‘t’, then ‘h’.